Monday, January 21, 2019

What Keeps Me Up at Night #OpenBook Blog Hop

January 21, 2019

What keeps you up at night?

When I was younger, I could sleep through just about anything. Thunderstorms, cars honking, my husband snoring, Babies crying was the exception. I'd always wake up for my babies.

 But I've added a few years and I don't sleep as well as I used to. Thankfully, I can still roll over and get back to sleep fairly quickly. And there are a few things that keep me awake.

I suspect my author friends are going to recognize this first one. If I've been struggling with a scene, searching for the right words, I'll continue to mull it over when I've gone to bed. Sometimes, I'll find the right way to move forward and hope I remember it in the morning. (Yes, I keep a notepad and pen by the bed- I've never used it!)

Then there's the battle with the thermostat. (Not over the thermostat, with the thermostat.) I don't understand how the temperature that was perfect when I crawled under the covers can suddenly get too hot in the middle of the night- and the thermostat hasn't been touched. Gremlins. Gremlins are the only explanation.

Some nights, I worry about the health of family members. I'm not worried about mine because I'm in pretty good shape for my age. Not all of my family is so lucky. At least they are getting the proper medical care and that helps.

On rare nights I find myself thinking about my day job, going over checklists, making sure everything that had to be done got completed. Or trying to figure out ways to make the job run smoother. 

Those infrequent nights when I can't shut down, I have a few tricks to turn off my mind and go to sleep. I call up my memories, I stand in front of my childhood home, and remember it how it was. Or, I take a walk up the dirt road that led past it. There was magic in the fields and woods, and that magic can still send me to sleep when I look for it.

Now, before I fall asleep, let's go find out what keeps the other authors up at night.

January 21, 2019

What keeps you up at night?

1. Link your blog to this hop.
2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop.
3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants' blogs.
4. Tweet/or share each person's blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.


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