February 4, 2019
If you could make one change in the world, what would it be?
Is world peace too much to ask for? Unfortunately, I think it is. It's overwhelming to consider all the pieces and parts that it would take to make that happen
So, I'm going to go for something not so out of reach but still lofty. I'd like to see everyone in the world have enough to eat.
Experts say it's possible. It would take changes in what we eat and how we eat. Just the twenty-five percent of food that gets wasted between farm and.consumption could go a long way to filling the gap. Just think about the food that gets thrown out by supermarkets because it isn't perfect. How about everything that doesn't get eaten at restaurants because the serving sizes are so large?
The trick is getting the otherwise wasted food to the people who need it. The infrastructure to make it happen doesn't exist. Of course, there are also government regulations and competing interests that get in the way.
Then there's the debate about land that could be used to grow food being used to grow crops to make fuel. And another debate about our insistence of eating tons of beef and the effort and land that goes into growing crops to support that habit. And that leads to the debate about how much of the world's food problems could be solved if we all ate healthier.
I'm not wise enough or powerful enough to solve all those issues. But if I could change just one thing in this world, I'd wave my magic wand and make sure no one was going hungry, and that the food they had was good quality.
February 4, 2019
If you could make one change in the world, what would it be?
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